Science center

Science museums and science centres provide essential links between science, technology, culture and society.

Doelgroep Science Centers
Science Centers

Science Centres aim to make science and technology understandable for young & old. In an environment full of interactivity, visitors are introduced to physical phenomena. While playing, visitors make connections and make new discoveries based on their own interests. That’s exactly what stands for! in Science centers

Our exhibits perfectly fit the purpose of a science centre. In a science centre or science museum, the rule is: Hands On! Each exhibit is an experimental set-up on which visitors themselves investigate a scientific phenomenon or technique. The exhibits focus on research questions starting with ‘why’. This is a deliberate choice, because the word ‘why’ makes you think, arouses your curiosity and appeals to your powers of enquiry.

Some 50 exhibits are divided into eight different themes. These themes focus on various topics we encounter in everyday life. After all, science and technology is always and everywhere around us. And everything that happens around us feels natural. zooms in on the subject matter and is all about discovery, experience and wonder.

Thanks to the rental concept, the exhibits can be used flexibly during an event, in a (temporary) exhibition space or as part of the experience trail. The themes can also be rented in their entirety or used as travelling exhibitions, for instance in cooperation with several organisations.

The inquisitive nature of

Children enter a phase where they are constantly overloaded with a stream of ‘why’ questions. They have an intrinsic drive at this stage to understand the world around them. This is exactly what looks for. The curious that lurks in us as children. Whether it is everyday situations, natural phenomena or human behaviour, we are naturally curious and want to understand the underlying reason. This will comes from the desire to learn and grow and is a crucial component for development.

The realisation that by asking questions and exploring for yourself you can gather information is something we want to encourage with A sensory experience is important here. Discovering from curiosity is a natural development we went through as children and plays an important role in increasing knowledge and understanding of the world. As a result, when we understand the world better we also interact with it more consciously.

Enthousiaste kinderen voor exhibits in een museum