Education in het onderwijs
Leren en ontdekken van nieuwe vaardigheden in het onderwijs

The adventure journey for learning and discovering new skills. Immerse yourself in the world around you, science, technology, biology and many more subject areas!

You go to school to learn, but it’s more than just books and lessons. It is also the place where you meet new friends, where you play and discover together. Education helps you grow, not just in knowledge, but also as a person. It gives you the skills to make your dreams come true and explore the world.

Techniek en wetenschap in het primair en voortgezet onderwijs in education introduces youngsters to physical phenomena and techniques, inspiring and enthusing them to make a conscious choice for possible further (technical) education. What could be more fun than playfully learning about, for example, aerodynamics, electricity, gravity or solar energy?

Our exhibits are experimental set-ups where students can investigate for themselves a scientific phenomenon in the fields of physics, chemistry, geography, mathematics, biology, engineering and behavioural sciences. For each exhibit, various research questions can be posed focusing on real-life examples and matching existing teaching material.

We like to be the link between the (technology) teacher and the existing curriculum. We want to collaborate with education on beautiful (interactive) applications. Together, we ensure that children become acquainted with science and technology at an early stage, enjoy it and embrace the subject for the future.

Primary and secondary education

Early stimulation with technology is important. Children’s natural interest in research and design disappears if they are not already exposed to it in a positive way in primary and secondary education.

Research has shown that children aged 10 to 12 think science is difficult, boring and something for ‘nerds’. And they see working in engineering as ‘dirty’. At this age, they are nearing the end of primary education and may start focusing on secondary education. Children are already ruling out certain occupational profiles based on interest.

For engineering and science to be a positive choice, it is very important to introduce children to science and technology in an approachable and creative way throughout their education. Having fun with it creates a positive memory that further enhances the discovery of talent. As a result, they will make an informed decision later in life for the possible choice of science and engineering rather than ruling it out in advance.

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