Manufacturing industry

Introduction to engineering in business.

The manufacturing industry is an important sector for the economy. Innovations are crucial for tackling global challenges such as: climate change, food security and the ageing population. Manufacturing is not only important for production, but it is also a source of highly region-oriented employment.

Children and students are the future of business. Early knowledge development on innovations within industry is important in preparation. A peek in the high-tech kitchen of companies in the manufacturing industry helps with this. This way, visitors see, experience and witness how technology contributes to our daily lives.

By bringing technology closer to the public, arousing wonder and creating interest, you encourage people to choose technical courses and professions. in manufacturing industry contributes to telling and understanding your story. Explaining or exhibiting (complicated) techniques or scientific phenomena to an audience can be challenging. Our exhibits focus on explaining the basics. The translation to your innovation or product is then easy! Think about how gears work, solar energy or all kinds of laws such as Archimedes’ law. Every technique or innovation stems from a basic principle.

The exhibits are ‘plug & play’, which means that they can easily be placed in your showroom, entrance hall or production hall. For events such as open days, anniversaries or other events where the doors are opened to the general public. Even if it is just one day, weekend or week, the exhibits contribute to appealing to the right target group.

Will you join us in inspiring the employees of the future and the pioneers of today?

Employees of the future

Young people look for challenge in their future jobs, and within the manufacturing industry there is plenty of that. The continuous development of technology and machines makes work challenging. Technological changes ensure that you acquire and learn to apply new knowledge and skills almost non-stop.

As a technical company within the manufacturing industry, you can be the role model for the employees of the future. Opening your doors to education and letting them experience your company’s technology has an impact on choosing a technical profile. The number of students in technical mbo and hbo courses is falling, but even at havo and vwo schools, fewer and fewer students are choosing a technical profile. When they are really taken into the business world, they discover the possibilities in various professions with the corresponding work. But they are also inspired in the various sectors from solar energy and the power grid to the agricultural sector.

Education is open to initiatives to inspire students in collaboration with companies in the region. Seize your chance to enthuse children early on about science and technology with a positive outlook on the future.